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  • Hello 🙂 I’m running OT 10.5, and all system generated emails regarding an incident are  added into communication history, but if you manually send an email from incident form by pressing the mail icon next to responsible or affected person than that email will not be stores inside communication history, it will however be in associated emails, same thing hapends if you right click on an incident and manually send any of the emails, does anyone know why this is happening? if i force the after modification email cript than nothing happends, but if i force after creating comhist population script than all emails …

    Chris Szkoda OTE Newbie Gefragt auf 4. September 2016 in Standardfunktionen.
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  • Hello, I use Omnitracker  ver.11.2. I have following problem – when I change size of control (width/height) or color of text to custom via Properties tab, after choosing different property ie. Title then entered values are reverted to previous ones. Is there any trick for storing these values? Thank you in advance for the answer. Best Regards,Magda

    Magdalena OTE Newbie Gefragt auf 25. Mai 2019 in Standardfunktionen.
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  • Hello, I’d like to process multiple tickets at once in the Omnitracker. So far this works, but I’m running into the problem that comments only take over the first line. It doesn’t matter if I use Notepad to remove the control indicators for line breaks or not. Is there a solution for this? Thanks a lot.

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