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  • Hello, I find it hard to get help or documentation about integration with Omnitracker using web service calls. I have the requirement to create incidents in Omnitracker from a custom program. Most ITSM platforms offer a REST API or a SOAP based API. Can someone please guide me how one can create incidents and attach files to incidents using some sort of (REST/SOAP) web service calls? Many thanks in advance! Thanks you and best regards, Tamás

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  • Hello, I have followed Help file about how to configure Web Service Provider Endpoint Mapping (REST) and REST at all.  But without success. Can someone help/guide me in the right way How to configure REST endpoint? If I understand it,  there are no defaults method like GetObjectByUID and Admins have to define each REST method to be able to call it. Thx //

    Pavel Krátký OTE Newbie Gefragt auf 3. Juli 2019 in Interface Bus.
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  • Greetings. I am looking into how to develop api for OT towards eg. Zendesk Is it possible to get instructions/help towards this process. BR Lars

    Lars Knudsen OTE Newbie Gefragt auf 24. März 2017 in Interface Bus.
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